Himpunan Bartender Indonesia has a chance as a performer in Ubud Royal Weekend, Friday, July 20th 2018, take place in Museum Puri Lukisan Ubud. In this opportunity, the bartenders of HBI showed their skill to mixed drinks and flair show. This event showed young talents of Bali’s bartenders who have to compete in the international level represent Indonesia.

One of the activities that attract people enthusiasm is mixology exhibition, at the time of the bartender’s appearance, the visitors invited to the stage to make their own cocktail creation with arak Bali and brem as the main ingredients. The aim of mixology exhibition is to educate the people how to enjoy alcohol safely and with responsibility thereout the bartender’s performance. “Hopefully this event continuously held and can become the opportunity of the young to show their skills and Ubud palace always support this kind of events and hopefully this event become one of the means to promote the tourism destination.” Said Cok Tra Sukawati as the representative of Ubud palace.

“We’re very proud that we are involved as performers by the organizer of Ubud Royal Weekend, and we hope every year could take part and showed new things and at once become educational event for the society on how mixed the good and save alcohol”.


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