The Story of Bar Legend : Santa Fe Bar & Grill


Santa Fe Bar and Grill is one of the oldest bars around Seminyak, it was established around 1993. Even though the owner has changed, the concept stills the same. Santa Fe provides nonstop music for its customers. There is different band play every night. If you grow up in 90’s Bali, the band such as Kawitana and Crazy Horse must be friendly to your ears, and they play for Santa Fe. Live music started from 5.30 pm to 12.45 am everyday. The band plays a wide range of musical genre, but if you are into classic rock and blues, Santa Fe definitely the place for you to hang out. When the night is young, people usually come to chill and enjoys the food while the band plays their acoustic set. The bar serves world cuisine, from Indonesian food, Mexican, European, and Japanese food. Besides that, there are wide ranges of cocktails, beers, and spirits for the drinks. The big plus of this bar is that if you are into skin art, Bali Shadow tattoo (FYI. the owner is the same cool guy. He’ll make your day for he has a friendly smile for everyone) stand across the street, they provide award-winning artist for your skin.

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