STIPAR Triatma Jaya Held Flair Bartending Competition


Applying convention management subject by the students of Hotel and Tourism Management, the Food and Beverages Management program held “Flair Bartending Competition MICE 2018”. The event that supported by ABA (Asia Bartender Association) and HBI ( Himpunan Bartender Indonesia/ Indonesia Bartender Club) held on April 6th, 2018 at STIPAR Triatma Jaya Campus. “This event directed as competition in the field of tourism to discover the fresh ideas and creativity among the youth especially in the field of Food and Beverages. Besides that, this event to accustomed the young bartenders in the field of flair bartending” said Diah Dita Yunitha one of the committee.

The competition followed by tourism campus and bartenders from the bartenders community in Bali. The competition going sharp, and send to birth the young talents that showed their best performance.

1st place : Kadek Juni Kusuma Dewa

2nd place : Komang Adi Swastika

3rd place : Gede Sukarya

Best cocktail : Gede Krisna

ABA and HBI as an association for the bartenders appreciate the students of STIPAR Triatma Jaya that capable to held such event.” HBI as an umbrella for bartenders appreciate this kind of competition to sharpen the young bartenders skill and HBI will always support such competition in the future, whether to send juries or workshop related to bartending” said Bayu Hendra as HBI coordinator. Agung Yoga as the president of ABA Indonesia added “hopefully such events will hold in the future and the new seeds of bartenders will rose and represent Indonesia in the international scale competition”.


Previous articleTwo victorious Bali’s bartenders at Nestcology Flair Competition 2018 Semarang