Monin Cup 2018


PT. Kurnia Mitra Duta Sentasa is the only Monin’s importer, along with UD. Prima Jaya held the big event of Monin brand, that is Monin Cup. It held in The Hub, Sanur in July 5th 2018. This competition aims to select the best bartender to represent Bali in the final of Monin Cup Indonesia in Jakarta next August. Steve as the development manager of UD. Prima Jaya Bali said that “We held this event for the first time in Bali to select the young Bali’s bartender who will be sent to Jakarta for Monin Cup Indonesia. The winner will represent Indonesia to compete for Asia level. We hope through this competition, the young Bali’s bartender will raise their skill, knowledge, and creativity.”

There are 19 participants who are the best young bartender that compete in this event. They fight for a ticket to final of Monin Cup in Jakarta, which Bali already get the ticket without fight in the elimination stage. Which make this competition pretty sharp for the participants must present a tasty cocktail with beautiful presentation. The jurors are they who are professional mixologies, such as Agung Yoga (President of Asia Bartender Association, Indonesia Chapter), Bayu Wisesa (Champion of Diageo World Class Indonesia 2013), Arey Barker (Champion of Diageo World Class Indonesia 2014), and at presence the ambassador from Monin South Asia region: Jason Soon who act as Head Jury for this event.

Good presentation from the participants make this event take the audiences attention and take birth of the champ which is chosen by the jurors to represent Bali by the next August, they are

1st place: I Gede Mas Agung Satria Wibawa (Fins Beach Club),

2nd Place : I Gede Bacudewa Krisna Virgantara (Ayana Resort & SPA)

3rd Place : I Wayan Wira Susana (Ayana Resort & SPA)

When the press conference take event, Agung Yoga as the president of ABA Indonesia said, “I wish the winner could bring Bali to the national level, and show up to bartenders world that Bali’s bartenders have skills and knowledge equal to overseas bartenders. He hoped to that this kind of competition could be held every year so could inspire the bartenders to keep sharpen their ability which by times will raise the human resource quality, especially in the field of bartending”.

This event support by The Hub as the place of the event, Smirnoff vodka, Captain Morgan Rum, Squeeze juice, Uber Bar Tools, Red Bull, and The Bar Times. Beside that, this event supported by 2 bartender association in Indonesia, such as Himpunan Bartender Indonesia (HBI), and Asia Bartender Association (ABA).

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